
重新审视你的课程设计. Remind yourself of how your course serves the curriculum 和 the types of students who will take it.


  • 你希望学生学习(学习成果)
  • Work you will assign to measure whether they learned what you intended (assessments)
  • 学习活动将帮助学生在这些评估中取得成功
一旦你回顾了整个课程设计, 考虑一下为了教学你需要哪些信息和技能.


  • 学生: 查阅你的课程名册 你的学生 看看谁注册了. Consider surveying your students if you need specific information not included in the course roster.
  • 教室: Determine where you are teaching 和 familiarize yourself with the classroom technology in advance of the first class. 联系 活动及课堂管理 如果你在教室里需要帮助.
  • 政策要求: 教师应该在教学中遵循一定的政策. 通读全文 相关的政策 并向相关管理员提出任何问题.
  • 教学支持: You can consult with 教学中心 staff to review your teaching plans or brainstorm new elements.
还要考虑你的学生需要什么才能在课程中取得成功. Determine how you will communicate important course information 和 how students will access essential materials.
  • 教学大纲: 教学大纲是教师提供给学生的书面文件. 它包含基本的课程信息,其中一些是 法律或大学政策所要求的.
  • 黑板(学习管理系统)设置你的 黑板课程网站 在第一天上课之前.
  • 课程材料: 确保学生能接触到必要的课程材料. For students with financial constraints, consider providing alternative access methods such as 课程储备 用于课程教材或采用 开放教育资源 所有学生.
  • 支持服务. 确定什么 学生支援服务 might be relevant to your course 和 formulate a plan for communicating the necessary information to students.


Students will use a first class to evaluate whether a course is a good fit for them 和 to determine what they need to do to succeed. You can help them make accurate determinations by providing an overview of the course, 设定的期望, 并演示您的类将如何运行.


为你的第一堂课制定一个课程计划. 确保你有所有需要的材料,包括教学大纲的副本.


利用这段时间在上课前做好准备,并和学生打招呼. Engaging in pre-class conversations can be an effective way to establish rapport 和 connection with your students.


至少,提供你的名字和你希望学生怎么称呼你. Some instructors also provide additional professional information about their background, 十大赌博正规老平台兴趣, 以及其他相关信息. 如果你有额外的课程人员, 比如助教和实验室经理, 你也可以给他们一个自我介绍的机会.


这取决于你的喜好和课程的规模, you may also want to give students an opportunity to introduce themselves to you 和/or each other. 因为学生将有各种各样的背景和身份, select an activity that works 所有学生 和 is appropriate for a professional setting. Be sure to provide specific instructions 和 model how you want this to occur by going first.


让学生知道他们能从你这里得到什么. 规划好你的沟通物流, 包括你的办公时间,你的电子邮件偏好和可用性. 如果你有课程人员,如助教和实验室经理, describe their availability 和 what kinds of questions might be appropriate for different types of course staff.


让学生知道你对他们出勤率的期望, 准备, 参与, 和行为. It may be helpful to connect this to your teaching philosophy 和 choices so that students can underst和 how your expectations relate to their learning.


描述学生将学习什么, 他们将如何学习, 他们将提供什么工作来证明他们已经学会了. 谈谈为什么课程内容和技能对你很重要, 对他们的教育, 并走向更广阔的世界. 强调重要的细节,如实地考察和作业的日期. 让学生知道如何获取课程材料、资源和地点.


Describe how the course will operate so that students know what a typical class 和 week will look like.



Starting to teach is important, since it will give students a sense of how you will run the course. It can be a great time to ask open-ended questions that allow students to explore the big picture of the course themes. You can also use this time to surface student background knowledge so that you can connect student interests to the overall course, 适当调整课程的水平, 和, 如果有必要的话, 解决常见的误解.


重述重要信息并预演接下来的内容. 记下学生下次上课前需要做的准备工作.


每次上课前,制定一个课程计划. Remind yourself what you taught in the previous session 和 where you are in the course overall. Use that information to determine what you need to do in the upcoming class session to keep the students on track to meet the course learning outcomes 和 to be prepared for upcoming assessments. Consider how you might be inclusive of students with different backgrounds 和 identities.

Your lesson plan should take into account that straight lecturing is unlikely to maximize student learning given that educational research shows limitations in working memory 和 attention span, 以及通过积极的学习方法获得更大的学习收益.

你的课程计划可能包含以下一些元素, which may be delivered through a variety of methods such as student-led activities, 个人和小组作业, 以及由教师指导的活动和小型讲座.

  • 回顾上一节课并回答任何遗留和/或新的问题
  • Description of how the day’s content fits in the overall course 和 relates to upcoming assessments
  • 内容与技能工作
  • 评估(形成性和/或总结性)
  • Wrap-up: retrospective 和/or prospective overview, plus work expected prior to the next class

You can help students stay oriented within a class session by providing clear instructions 和 by using signposting language that helps them underst和 when you are switching gears, 强调某事重要性的, 等. If you have run class consistently in one manner 和 plan to shift to something different, 让学生提前做好准备,这样他们就知道会发生什么.

你在教学中可能会遇到挑战. If something goes wrong, address it with the students, either at the time or after the fact. 如果您需要帮助解决任何问题,请咨询教学中心. 该中心可以帮助您建立有效的课堂管理实践, 在你的课程中创造一种包容的教学文化, improve your assessments to make them more effective at measuring student learning, 等.

下课后, 快速记下什么起作用了,什么不起作用, 以及你下次教这门课时可能做出的调整. Remember to review any such notes the next time you teach the course so that you can make adjustments in advance. The Blackboard course template provides an “Private Faculty Reflection” menu item that can be used for this purpose.


评估你的教学是一个重要的实践, 因为它可以让你了解什么适合你的学生,什么不适合你的学生. 你可以评估正在进行的课程,以便在学期中期做出改变, 和 you can evaluate a completed course to make changes for the next time you teach it. 评估可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的. 教学中心的评估服务和其他服务一样是保密的.

Mid-semester evaluations may include 教学中心 services such as classroom observations 和 mid-semester student evaluations. Instructors may also provide their students with formal 和 information opportunities to provide feedback on the course, 征求助教的意见, 或者请一位值得信赖的同事去听课. Instructors can also assign formative assessments to student to determine how well students have learned a particular concept or skill 和 then make adjustments in response to the assessment results.

完成的课程评估包括正式的学生评估, 哪些通常包括在任期和晋升过程中. Course evaluations can provide useful information about what students found particularly valuable or particularly challenging, 教师可以使用它们来改进他们的教学.

有关这些的更多信息,请访问 评估课程页面.