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A series of one-hour “how-to” workshops to get you started with some basic 在线 activities.  This series covers everything from giving live or recorded lectures, 使用各种讨论板工具, 进行在线测试, and providing a platform for asynchronous student presentations.



How-to Pre-Record and Deliver Video Content to your Students

Learn how to use Zoom to record a video lecture that includes PowerPoint slides, 桌面软件, 或者只是视频输入. Best practices for creating recording lectures will be examined. Tips for creating effective lectures, including tips for fixing mistakes. Provide streaming access for that video to the students in your course via 黑板上 and Panopto access controls. Panopto编辑功能, 字幕选项, 查看统计数据, and adding quiz questions to videos will also be reviewed.  Using the Lightboard, instead of Zoom, as an option for creating videos will also be discussed.

日期: 8月22日上午10-11点



Learn how to use the 黑板上 Grade Center to grade submitted work. 了解如何设置新列, 类别, and smart views in order to make your grade book work for you.





这个工作坊是为黑板初十大赌博正规老平台准备的. 学习在黑板上设置课程的基础知识. 本节将介绍如何添加和移动内容, 如何使用公告及电邮进行通讯, 如何管理左边的菜单, and how to add basic tools to your course and review the grade center. It will not cover settings and options for any of the various tools or options within the grade center. 

日期: 8月26日上午11点



Using the 黑板上 Course Template to Organize your Course

Having a well-organized course in 黑板上 provides students and faculty the opportunity to focus on the essential coursework, 满足课程目标,实现学生学习成果. Come learn more about how to use “Learning Modules” to effectively organize your course materials in an effective, efficient and relevant structure that can be used for traditional, 在线, 或者混合类.

This workshop applies specifically to the template used by 艺术, 科学, 和工程, 伊士曼音乐学院, 华纳教育学院, 伊士曼口腔健康十大赌博正规老平台所, 以及医学院和牙科学院的十大赌博正规老平台生课程, 但概念可以应用于任何黑板课程.

日期: 8月29日上午11点



Learn how to Copy Materials from a Previous Course into your Upcoming Course

Learn how to make the best use of your time in copying materials from a previous course into the new template. We will cover how to copy individual items, individual tests, and full course materials.

Note: This workshop will cover how to copy from an existing course into the template used by 艺术, 科学, 和工程, 华纳教育学院, 医学和牙科学院十大赌博正规老平台生课程, 伊士曼音乐学院, 和伊士曼口腔健康十大赌博正规老平台所. The process will work for other school templates but will be demonstrated with this template.

日期: 8月30日上午11点




The University has an Enterprise license for PollEverywhere. Come learn how to get your own account and use the interactive polling features.                 

日期: 8月31日上午10-11点




如何促进讨论, 分享学生作业, 以及使用黑板工具进行同侪评议活动

This session starts with an overview and comparison of discussion board options (黑板上, Yellowdig, voice ethread和Piazza). Learn how to set up a discussion board within 黑板上. See how different settings can be used to facilitate different kinds of activities. The use of the 黑板上 Blog tool will also be shared in this session.

日期: 9月7日上午11点



How to Collect Online Assessments, including Projects, Presentations, and Performances

Learn how to set up the 黑板上 assignment tool to collect individual student submissions and group submissions. Learn about different options for collecting various kinds of student assessments, 包括视频和在线演示. 






VoiceThread is a tool that can add life to your discussions by allowing audio and video, 以及基于文本的评论. Learn how to build a VoiceThread, add comments, and share it with your class for discussion. 

日期: 9月14日上午11点




寻找一个不同的讨论板? Yellowdig is similar to 脸谱网 in that it provides a conversation that is more like social media. 另外, students earn points for their contributions to the conversation on Yellowdig, whether it be through original posts or comments on posts from classmates. Learn more about how Yellowdig works, and how to set up Yellowdig for you in your course. 





学习如何创建和设置黑板测试. The various options available for testing will be discussed including when and how to use each option. 附加的测试软件将被提及. 





Padlet是一种电子公告板. Learn about different use cases for Padlet in your course. See examples of different ways Padlet can be used to engage students and support collaboration. Learn how to get a UR Account and connect Padlet to 黑板上 so that students have accounts associated with their contributions.






Perusall是一个社交注释工具. 在您的课程中学习Perusall的不同用例. See examples of ways Perusall can be used to engage students around your content. 了解更多关于如何连接Perusall到黑板上.

日期: 9月28日上午11点




Gain knowledge about Gradescope to reduce your grading time by more than 50% while increasing consistency, 精度, 同时也很灵活. Understand how to apply the power of Gradescope for quizzes, homework assignments, and exams. Evaluate your assessments to see if they are a good fit for the Gradescope platform.

日期: 9月30日上午11点




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