


内容和严谨性 链接至部分

All graduate students should work with their departments to make sure that they have a program of study in order to ensure that degree requirements are being met in the order and at the pace intended by the program. 硕士十大赌博正规老平台生, the program should contain the standard credit hours required by the degree program, 一般是30或32学分. 博士课程必须有90个学分. The department should keep a copy of the program of study on file and submit it to the GEPA office at the appropriate time.

所有的课程都被应用到十大赌博正规老平台生的学习计划中 must contain content, 严格, 和需求 that clearly demonstrate an 先进的 水平.

  • 先进的内容 is defined as content that is clearly dependent on prior introductory knowledge in the discipline.
  • 先进的严密性 is defined as the expectation of a high 水平 of critical thinking and reasoning, 注重细节, 独立构思和完成工作, and ability to articulate and synthesize salient issues in the field orally and in writing.
  • 先进的需求 are those in which the student is required to demonstrate mastery of the content depicted above with the 严格 depicted above. 如果目前的课程要求不符合这一标准, either the requirements can be modified or additional or different requirements can be added for graduate students.

本科课程政策 链接至部分

Sometimes graduate students would like to take a course that provides them with introductory material to assist them with their current program of study in graduate school.

在一般情况下, graduate students are not permitted to enroll in undergraduate 水平 courses for credit, 作为他们十大赌博正规老平台生项目的一部分. These courses do not count toward the credits required for graduate degrees and should not be included on the program of study submitted to the graduate school.

Students wishing to take undergraduate-水平 coursework to complement their graduate education are able to audit undergraduate courses with the approval of the faculty member teaching the course. Please refer to the audit policy for additional details regarding registration and fees, 学生学费减免一般不包括哪些项目. 

在适当的时候, departments may cross list undergraduate courses at a 400 or 500 水平, 确保满足高级内容的要求, 严格, 和需求. 在这些情况下, graduate students must register for the correct section and complete the appropriate 水平 of work in order to receive credit toward their program of study. In the event that a course is not cross-listed but the instructor is willing to make appropriate accommodations to ensure the course requirements are 先进的 in content, 严格, 和需求, the department must certify the 先进的 nature of the course on the program of study.

信贷需求 链接至部分

所有的博士课程都需要完成90个学分. Master’s programs may vary in their credit requirements but must be a minimum of 30 credits. Please consult your department handbook for specific course and credit requirements that have been determined by your academic program. Note that any applicable tuition scholarship covers the required number of credits for a program. Any credit hours taken beyond the required amount must be paid for by the student. 一旦课程完成, a student must stay continuously enrolled by registering for relevant placeholders and paying appropriate fees. Please consult your graduate coordinator for advice on what placeholder to register for.

委员会 链接至部分

硕士毕业论文考试, 博士资格考试, and PhD final defense must be presided over by an appropriate committee. For appropriate committee composition, please see the guidance found in the 博士委员会矩阵 和 大学十大赌博正规老平台生学习规例. 艺术,科学 & 工程 adheres to the same guidelines for final exams for both PhD and master’s programs.

There are a select number of nonstandard faculty members who have been approved by the AS&E Dean of 十大赌博正规老平台生教育和博士后事务 和 University Dean of Graduate Studies to serve as 内部 committee members on exams. 有关预先批准的教员的完整名单,请参阅 获批准在委员会任职的教员名单. 这些教员没有被预先批准担任 委员会成员-仅作为一个 内部 名单上所列部门的委员会成员.

Committee members who do not meet the above requirements may be petitioned through the AS&egepa办事处. In order to request permission for a nonstandard member to serve on an exam, the 申请非标准会员表格 并将个人简历发送至GEPA审核批准. Authorization must be obtained before the thesis or dissertation is registered with the University Graduate Studies Office. 具体时间请咨询你所在部门.

有关委员会的更多资料,请参阅 大学十大赌博正规老平台生学习规例.

毕业典礼 链接至部分

这所大学的毕业典礼每年五月举行. All graduate students who are eligible to attend commencement will be invited by the University. Questions regarding commencement and graduation ceremonies can be directed towards to the GEPA office.

开始工作资格 链接至部分

Graduate students are eligible to participate in commencement ceremonies provided they have completed or will complete all of their degree requirements by the appropriate deadline for the following August degree conferral. This means that students finishing in fall or spring will participate in commencement the May after they complete their degree, and students finishing in summer will participate the May before they complete their degree. 请查看教务处的 就职资格政策 欲知更多资料.