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Faculty Books

Summer SyllabusLooking for additions to your reading list? Here are some recent books by Rochester faculty to consider.By Karen McCally ’02 (PhD), Sandra Knispel, and Sofia Tokar ’20W (MS) | Photographs By J. Adam Fenster.
photo of a stack of books written by Rochestser faculty(Photograph: J. Adam Fenster)

A new take on Pinocchio and other oddball children in literary classics.

A story of a complicated friendship between an elderly widow and a much younger handyman.


十大赌博正规老平台教师在过去一年出版的书籍表明,学术专业知识可以吸引比学生或专家更广泛的读者. We offer a few suggests for your reading list.

10 Days that Shaped Modern Canada

University of Alberta Press, 2022


photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Aaron Hughes

“Not all days are created equal,” writes Aaron Hughes, the Philip S. Bernstein Professor of Religious Studies. “While the vast majority of days ebb and flow in a repetitive fashion, some become so singularly momentous to a nation’s formation and outlook that, although their importance is recognized at the time, the true significance becomes apparent only after the fact.”

Hughes, who also holds the title Dean’s Professor of the Humanities, has written a history of Canada from 1970 to 2018 in 10 chapters, each devoted to a singular, transformative day. Modern Canada might seem an unlikely subject for someone like Hughes, who researches and teaches about the modern Middle East. 但是这个有争议的地区给了他很多思考单一事件长期影响的经验. That, and the fact that he is Canadian, make 10 Days That Shaped Modern Canada less a wholesale departure from his usual work than it might seem.

Hughes begins with October 13, 1970, with just a few words uttered by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. “Just watch me,” Trudeau said to a Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 记者问他会在多大程度上粉碎暴力的解放运动. 这名记者对特鲁多已经下令在蒙特利尔周围部署军队持批评态度. But three days after uttering those now infamous words, Trudeau went further, invoking the World War I–era War Measures Act, suspending civil liberties.

The book ends on an uplifting note—March 8, 2018, the day of the unveiling of the new Canadian $10 bill, featuring civil rights activist Viola Desmond.

Dangerous Children: On Seven Novels and a Story

University of Chicago Press, 2022

Gross’s book grew directly out of his eponymous course on children’s literature.

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Kenneth Gross

Dangerous Children, by Kenneth Gross, the Alan F. Hilfiker Distinguished Professor of English, grew out of an undergraduate class of the same title, 在这门课上,学生们深入十大赌博正规老平台了一个以一个奇怪而危险的孩子为中心的故事.

In the book—as in the class, which Gross has taught three times—the stories span a century, starting with Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, published in 1865, and ending with Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita. Other texts include Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio, Henry James’s What Maisie Knew and The Turn of the Screw, J. M. Barrie’s Peter and Wendy, and Franz Kafka’s “The Cares of a Family Man.”

In Gross’s account, 虚构的孩子是“离奇”体验的理想载体——那种根植于熟悉之中的陌生感, in ordinary things. The stories—written both for children and for adults, or for both at once—show children with uncanny powers of speech, knowledge, and play, their nonsense and even violence, children endangered as much as dangerous. Disturbing as such figures can sometimes be, the books offer a world of “childish things” that adults might not want to put away.

Says Gross: “These fictional children ended up teaching me about myself, my own unconscious, 而我自己的思想和痴迷——它们指向了一种思想和游戏的形式,它们仍然是一个人成年后生活的一部分.”

This Room Is Made of Noise

University of Wisconsin Press, 2023

When a handyman and a widow develop a friendship, things get complicated.

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Stephen Schottenfeld Hughes

In his second novel, associate professor of English Stephen Schottenfeld tells the story of a divorced, 40-something handyman and an elderly widow who find their lives increasingly intertwined, as each grows in dependence on the other.

讲述这个故事的唐·兰克,作为“唐修理它”的老板,自己做得还不错. But one mishap—a missed insurance payment amidst the turmoil of his marriage’s last days, followed by a leak on roof work he’d just completed (“some error at the ridge,” he explains)—and he finds himself $20,000 in the hole. To dig himself out, he develops a side gig buying and selling used goods.

That’s when he meets Millie. A widow of obvious means, Millie owns what Don believes is an imitation Tiffany lamp. He buys it from her, but it turns out to be authentic. 他转卖了台灯,然后回到米莉家门口,把大部分利润还给她. It’s an admirable gesture, 但这也引发了两人之间的关系,唐成为了她的常规杂工和私人助理, enjoying more trust from Millie than any of her distant family members.

The story turns on questions of motives; readers are never sure of Don’s at any moment. Don isn’t sure either, as is clear from his penchant for rumination. At the same time, Millie becomes more and more demanding, and her needs grow as she slips into dementia. If manipulation is part of the tie that binds them, who is manipulating whom? As the stress wears on, what is Don capable of?

Conversely, might this turn out to be a story of different possibilities—of generosity, grace, and connection?

Doing and Being Hip-Hop in School: Best. Class. Ever.

Teachers College Press, 2022

What happens when students help shape a curriculum?

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Joanne Larson

As an art form that involves inventive use of language, personal expression, and social critique, 嘻哈音乐自20世纪70年代末诞生以来,在布朗克斯区的街道和住房项目中蓬勃发展. For years, 许多高中教师报告说,将嘻哈音乐引入他们的课程可以让学生更投入. There’s even a phrase for the trend: “hip-hop ed.”

A new book documents a project that’s much more ambitious than most hip-hop ed. Authors Joanne Larson, the Michael W. Scandling Professor of Education and associate director of research in the Center for Urban Education Success at the Warner School; visual artist Eleni Duret ’02W (PhD); and Rochester City School District social studies teacher Grant Atkins, 追踪正在进行的嘻哈课程的前四年,该课程是由教师和学生合作开发和实施的. 所有这些都来自该大学与十大赌博正规老平台市学区东高中的合作.

“嘻哈教育往往是在教室里进行的,把年轻人作为一个话题或一个诱饵,让他们做‘真正的工作’,’ ” writes Bettina Love, the William F. Russell Professor at Teachers College of Columbia University. Doing and Being Hip-Hop in School “centers hip-hop and the voices of students as the real work.”

The book, which Larson describes as a participatory ethnography, 展示了当学生被邀请将他们的历史和文化资本带入课堂时可以展开的积极结果.

Still Falling

Graywolf Press, 2023

Poetry on loss, with a “journalistic fidelity to the real.”

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Jennifer Grotz

英语教授Jennifer Grotz的第四部诗集是对悲伤的探索. Written in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Grotz, 他是一位著名的诗人,每年夏天在佛蒙特州主持著名的米德尔伯里面包面包作家大会, 在她所描述的“慢下来的、破碎的、随机的、错误的世界”的背景下,面对个人的损失.”

Grotz’s expression of inward experience is grounded in observations of the external world. In 2016, after the publication of her third collection, Window Left Open (Graywolf Press, 2016)—written at a monastery in the French Alps—she told Review that the experience of the monastery changed her as a writer. “I was taught such a lesson in looking,” she said. From that time forward, her poems became, as she described them, “sense-drenched.”

This past spring, as part of McSweeney’s Short Conversations with Poets, Jesse Nathan preceded his interview with Grotz by praising “the calm, piercing exactitude of her renderings. Her language is supple, clear-eyed, neither showy nor minimalist, evincing an almost journalistic fidelity to the real.”

That “piercing exactitude” is part of a style that’s all her own. 内森补充道:“你拿起詹妮弗·格罗茨的书,是因为你想一遍又一遍地听到她的声音.”

Precious Metal: German Steel, Modernity, and Ecology

Penn State University Press, 2022

Seeing steel through an environmental lens.

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Peter Christensen

Working at the intersection of architectural and ecological history, 彼得·克里斯滕森追溯了钢铁的生命周期,从作为原材料的土壤开始, to its mass production, its dissemination internationally in construction, and finally, 它作为废物返回地球,其生产造成了持久的环境破坏.

Christensen—the Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities, a faculty member in the Department of Art and Art History, 以及人文中心的阿尼和马克·加布里安主任——在德国鲁尔盆地开始了他的故事, during the nation’s rapid industrialization in the late 19th century.

他展示了钢铁在建筑中的广泛应用如何创造了土木工程和设计的新壮举, 但也导致了一种意识形态,认为建筑环境是与自然分离的.

克里斯滕森认为,这种意识形态对地球及其未来产生了毁灭性的影响. 《十大赌博正规老平台》试图打破这种观念,让人们认识到,建筑材料和建筑本身一样,都是自然界的一部分.

Isle of Devils, Isle of Saints: An Atlantic History of Bermuda, 1609–1684

Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022

Bermuda is as central to the American colonial story as Jamestown or Plymouth.

photo of a book written by Rochestser faculty member Michael Jarvis

Professor of history Michael Jarvis begins his book in 1609, when the Sea Venture, an English ship on its way to the new colony at Jamestown, got caught in a monster storm and wrecked on a coral reef off Bermuda’s shore. 而大多数沉船的幸存者最终都到达了他们的目的地, a few stayed behind on the uninhabited island. As Jarvis describes, within a few years, Bermuda became a British territory, and with that, 英国殖民的摇篮之一:在英国人在詹姆斯敦建立第一个永久定居点后仅5年就有人定居, Virginia, and eight years before Plymouth.

百慕大成为英国第一个成功生产出口主要产品——西班牙烟草的实验性殖民地实验室, Jarvis argues, once transferred to the mainland became the foundation of Virginia’s economic success. With the success, however, 还有百慕大作为第一个进口非洲奴隶的英国殖民地的可疑身份, 从而使奴隶制发展成为“一种在英属美洲无处不在的制度”.”

And yet, 当涉及到美国殖民地早期起源的历史——美国的传统起源故事——读者将很难找到很多, if any, mention of Bermuda. A prequel to his first book, In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the Maritime Atlantic World, 1680–1783 (North Carolina Press, 2010), Isle of Devils, Isle of Saints 完成了贾维斯令人信服的论点,即这个小岛不亚于“殖民的熔炉”,” he writes, 它应该与历史悠久的詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯一起成为“英美历史三角起源”的一部分.”