

本政策适用于: 全体员工 非免税 按小时计酬工作分类. (Individuals represented by collective bargaining agreements receive benefits in accordance with those agreements.)

I. 政策

The purpose of the probationary period is to provide supervisors the opportunity to evaluate a new or transferred employee’s ability to acclimate to the organization’s culture, 评估一般的工作习惯(守时), 出席, 工作关系, 等.), and to evaluate the employee’s ability to meet performance standards. All staff who are newly hired or have transferred from another position within the University, will begin their probationary period on the day they start in their new position. In addition to providing training and communicating the expectations to be met, the supervisor must make the employee aware of the length of the probationary period and provide regular and frequent performance feedback. The employee should take the initiative to ask questions whenever clarification is needed. 注:所有专业人员, Administrative and Supervisory (PAS) job classifications (including those paid hourly) have a 一个 year introductory period.

II. 的指导方针

A. 试用期的长度

The probationary period is six (6) months for all staff in 非免税 按小时计酬工作分类, unless represented by a collective bargaining agreement.

  1. A supervisor may elect to end the probationary period at any point within the six-month period if the employee is fully and satisfactorily meeting job requirements.
  2. A newly hired (to the University) employee not demonstrating satisfactory progress in learning and performing the job duties, who does not demonstrate satisfactory working habits, or who is exhibiting misconduct may be terminated (see 纠正纪律政策 #154).

B. 扩展

试用期可以延长 一个 30-day period if an employee has failed to make the progress normally expected. 扩展 are applicable only in instances where it is felt that sufficient progress will be made within the 30-day period to warrant retention. 扩展 should not be utilized to allow additional time for correction of misconduct. Supervisors should consult with the Office of 人力资源 before deciding to extend a probationary period.

C. 绩效评估和加薪

Staff in 非免税 按小时计酬工作分类 shall receive a performance evaluation upon successful completion of the probationary period. Changes in salary resulting from the successful completion of probation shall be in accordance with the current Wage and Salary 的指导方针.

D. 转移

All staff members in 非免税 按小时计酬工作分类 who have completed their probationary period may apply for any posted vacancy within the University. Staff members must have a record of at least satisfactory performance in order to be considered for promotion or transfer. Staff in 非免税 按小时计酬工作分类 who have not completed their probationary period in their present position, or PAS staff (including those paid hourly) who have not completed 一个 year in their present position, must receive permission from their supervisor to seek a promotion or transfer before submitting a resume to a department.

3. 程序

A. A performance evaluation shall be conducted when an employee successfully completes the probationary period.


  1. 雇员是否有资格获得加薪, the supervisor should complete the employee’s Personnel Action Form (PAF), 转发PAF, 附绩效评估, 给合适的院长, 主任或副总裁批准, 然后去人力资源服务中心.
  2. Written requests for exceptions to guidelines must be approved by the Office of 人力资源.
  3. Supervisors must not inform employees of any recommended increase in wages until all necessary approvals and authorizations have been obtained.

C. 如果试用期要延长, 书面通知, 包括原因(年代), must be given to the employee and copies sent to the employee’s personnel file and the Office of 人力资源.

D. 不符合标准

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to take specific steps when an employee is not meeting performance standards or is exhibiting inappropriate behavior:

  1. 通过咨询, the employee should be informed of performance deficiencies, 或者不当行为, 给我一个改正的机会.
  2. 如果不, the supervisor must meet with the employee to clarify the standards and expectations, 变化需要, 以及未能纠正问题的后果.
  3. The employee must be given reasonable time to demonstrate correction of inappropriate behavior or ability to meet standards. For guidance in dealing with an unsatisfactory probationary employee, 联系人力资源办公室.
  4. 文档, which may be in the form of a written warning or confirming memo, that the employee has been informed of failure to meet standards and of the potential consequence, 必须提供. The documentation must be addressed to the employee and must include descriptions of the performance and/or behavior problems as well as the required corrections.
    1. If the employee is subsequently terminated due to failure to meet standards, a copy of this documentation is to be attached to the PAF. The supervisor should keep notes documenting the dates and subjects of any counseling sessions.
    2. A newly hired probationary employee is not eligible to utilize the grievance process
