

本政策适用于: 全职和兼职员工. (Individuals represented by a bargaining unit are paid in accordance with their contract agreement.)

I. 政策

A. 计时工的额外工作

Hourly paid staff can perform work in addition to or in place of their primary appointment on a short-term basis (up to 四个星期). For work that will last more than 四个星期 contact 人力资源 to discuss alternatives. Note: Hourly paid staff must be paid for all time worked in a workweek; discretion is advised in permitting an employee to work more than 40 hours per week as it would result in overtime.

B. Additional Work for Exempt Salaried Paid Staff

Exempt Staff who are paid on a salaried basis are generally entitled to receive additional compensation above their regular base salary and are 不 entitled to overtime pay, 转变微分, 随叫随到, 或者呼叫保费.

II. 的指导方针

A. 计时工的额外工作

有时, hourly paid staff may be required to work outside of their current classification or assume additional responsibilities for a short-term period of up to 四个星期. The work to be performed must be documented and reviewed by 人力资源 and approval from the primary department must be obtained 之前 对一个正在做出的承诺. 符合适用的劳动法, an hourly rate must be established and a record of all time worked be maintained. 如果合适的话, overtime pay applies and will be charged to the department account where the additional work is performed.

B. Additional 补偿 for Salaried Paid Positions

The nature of salaried paid positions often requires commitments to meet job responsibilities that extend beyond the typical forty-hour workweek. The extra time and effort required normally increases with the level of the position within the University and this commitment is reflected in the base salary for the position.

异常: 异常 to this policy are approved by 人力资源 only in instances where 特殊服务 对受薪职员有何要求. These services normally involve prolonged/unique commitments of time and effort to meet special and usually temporary University needs. If the work being performed is outside of the employee’s primary department, approval must be obtained from the primary department 之前 to any work performed. Where 特殊服务 are of a continuing nature and become a normal responsibility of the job, these extra responsibilities should be taken into account in the base salary (rather than compensated by extra pay).

3. 程序

A. 计时工的额外工作

  1. Additional work needs to be approved in 推进 by the primary department if it is to be performed outside of the primary department and then sent to 人力资源 for review and approval 之前 to any commitment being made or work being performed.
  2. 使用一个 220年形成 to request extra compensation for an hourly paid staff member for work to be performed outside of the primary department or outside the primary classification for a period of up to 四个星期.
  3. 完成一个 220年形成 如下:

Department where additional work is being performed initiates the 220年形成 (completing the section de不ed as such as follows) after discussion with 人力资源 has occurred:

  • 输入“部门名称”和“ID #”
  • Enter the beginning and end dates of the additional work (up to 四个星期).
  • 输入额外工作的工资率.
  • Show account(s) to which the additional work will be charged and, 如果不止一个, 每项收费的百分比.
  • Provide a brief description of the additional work and show the classification if different from the primary classification.
  • Provide a signature for confirmation of work performed
  • 填写表格背面的时间表 220年形成.
  • If the additional work results in the hourly paid staff member working more than 40 hours for the work week, 加班费必须算在工资里.
  • A representative from the department where the additional work is being performed gets the 220年形成 signed by the staff members primary department (only if the work is being performed outside of the primary department) and 人力资源 之前 to sending to 工资 for processing.

基层部门完成 220年形成 如下:

  • Enter the name of the employee the request is for
  • 输入员工ID (Emplid) &,员工记录#(雇员记录#)
  • 输入当前工资率
  • Union code if represented by a Bargaining Unit
  • Enter the staff member’s primary Department ID# and Department Name.
  • 进入员工薪酬组
  • Provide a signature for consent to additional work if outside Primary Department.

B. Additional 补偿 for Salaried Paid Staff

Requests for exceptions to this policy must be:

  1. 批准在 推进 by the Dean, Director or Vice President and forwarded to 人力资源 for review and approval 之前 任何承诺都是对员工做出的. If the work being performed is outside of the primary department, approval must also be obtained from the primary department.
  2. The department should determine a lump sum value to be placed on the work to be performed versus identifying an hourly rate and keeping track of hours worked. Factors to consider are the scope and level of the work to be done, 所需的技能水平, 以及承诺的长度.
  3. When an exception is approved (by both the primary department and 人力资源), the “approved” 211年形成 should be signed off by 人力资源 之前 to being sent to 工资 for processing.