




The above map should be used as a general reference only. 查看交互式版本的地图 here. If a property is bordering a non-City neighborhood, please contact the City at (585) 428-6888 确认一个属性符合条件.

如果你想在十大赌博正规老平台城外买房, check out the 按揭房屋奖励计划 below in the resources section.


To receive the University’s or City’s benefit, you must finance the purchase of 还款表 your home through a participating bank/credit union and be approved for the 十大赌博正规老平台市’s Employer Assisted Housing Initiative (EAHI).



Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每笔按揭$10,000

福利形式: Loan that is forgiven over 5 years if residency and employment requirements are satisfied‡ (see 还款表 below)

Use of money: 首付款或成交费用

主要居住要求: 5 years

工作要求: 5 years


Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每宗按揭$5,000

福利形式: Grant that is forgiven over 5 years if residency requirement is satisfied (see 还款表 below)

Use of money: 首付款或成交费用

主要居住要求: 5 years

工作要求: No


Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每宗按揭$5,000

福利形式: Grant that is forgiven over 5 years if residency requirement is satisfied (see 还款表 below)

Use of money: 首付款、成交费用或代管保证金

主要居住要求: 5 years

工作要求: No

加拿大国家银行 & Trust

Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每宗按揭$5,000 for low- or moderate income-level tracts (visit www.ffiec.gov 确认地区收入水平)

福利形式: 可原谅的格兰特

Use of money: 首付款或成交费用

主要居住要求: Yes

工作要求: No


Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; new homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每宗按揭$5,000

福利形式: Lender credit

Use of money: 成交成本或利率买断

主要居住要求: Yes

工作要求: No


Eligibility: 固定的全职和兼职教职员工,* 住院医师和十大赌博正规老平台员; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 每宗按揭$5,000 for low- or moderate income-level tracts (visit www.ffiec.gov to confirm track income levels and ensure you are in the Minority Majority Track (MMT))

福利形式: Lender credit

Use of money: 成交成本或利率买断

主要居住要求: Yes

工作要求: No


The benefit is provided through a non-interest-bearing loan that is forgiven if the requisite employment and residency requirements are satisfied. If you do not satisfy the requisite employment and residency requirements, you must repay the loan. The loan will remain as a lien against your home until it is repaid.

Time elapsed 五年还款比例
1st 月至24th month 100%
25th 月至36th month 75%
37th 月至48th month 50%
49th 月至60th month 25%
61st month 0%

The benefit is provided through a non-interest-bearing loan that is forgiven if the requisite employment and residency requirements are satisfied. If you do not satisfy the requisite employment and residency requirements, you must repay the loan. The loan will remain as a lien against your home until it is repaid.

大学保留修改的权利, amend, 或随时终止计划, 包括可能影响覆盖率的操作, cost-sharing, 或者保险福利, as well as benefts that are provided to current and future retirees.

* You are not eligible for the University 自置居所奖励计划 if you are a postdoctoral fellow, 博士后十大赌博正规老平台助理, 博士后助教, EDC Associate, 或者访问十大赌博正规老平台.

† Does not apply to current City homeowners whose primary residence is in the City.

‡ The loan is secured by a note and mortgage that obligate you to repay the loan to the University and create a lien against your home as security for your repayment obligation. The $10,000 loan becomes taxable when and to the extent that it is forgiven.


  1. Apply online and the Office of Total Rewards will verify your employment eligibility.

  2. Contact the 十大赌博正规老平台市 for an application via email at homebuyer@cityofrochester.gov.

  3. 讨论抵押贷款的选择 参与计划出借人



Several financial institutions in the Greater Rochester area are available to help the 十大赌博正规老平台’s full-time and part-time faculty and staff members through the mortgage process.

通过回答你的问题, 告诉你他们的住房激励措施, 并解释他们具体的抵押贷款选择, you will be able to make an informed decision about what the best mortgage options are for you.

This program also offers special incentives for homebuyers in the 十大赌博正规老平台市.




拥有一所房子不仅仅是四面墙和一个屋顶. Do you want a backyard, or for someone to take care of all the maintenance for you? 你在找那种维多利亚风格的吗, 但是现代家庭, or is it most important to live on a street with lots of shops for your convenience? 好吧,看看 庆祝城市生活 网站,找到你的梦想家园!

Assistance & Advice

对买房过程感到压力或困惑? Need a little advice or just want to take a class to make sure you’re doing everything right? Sign up for pre-purchase and post-purchase education classes at approved agencies*, 在家里买东西的时候,你可以做到最好.

*有资格获得罗彻斯特市的资助, first-time home buyers are required to complete pre-purchase and post-purchase education classes at approved agencies. Contact the City for confirmation of approved agencies.



The 十大赌博正规老平台 works with a variety of program lenders.

View lenders


Several financial institutions in the Greater Rochester area are available to help the 十大赌博正规老平台’s full-time and part-time faculty and staff members through the mortgage process.

通过回答你的问题, 告诉你他们的住房激励措施, 并解释他们具体的抵押贷款选择, you will be able to make an informed decision about what the best mortgage options are for you.

This program also offers special incentives for homebuyers in the 十大赌博正规老平台市.



拥有一所房子不仅仅是四面墙和一个屋顶. Do you want a backyard, or for someone to take care of all the maintenance for you? 你在找那种维多利亚风格的吗, 但是现代家庭, or is it most important to live on a street with lots of shops for your convenience? 好吧,看看 庆祝城市生活 网站,找到你的梦想家园!

Assistance & Advice

对买房过程感到压力或困惑? Need a little advice or just want to take a class to make sure you’re doing everything right? Sign up for pre-purchase and post-purchase education classes at approved agencies*, 在家里买东西的时候,你可以做到最好.

*有资格获得罗彻斯特市的资助, first-time home buyers are required to complete pre-purchase and post-purchase education classes at approved agencies.  Contact the City for confirmation of approved agencies.
