

从左上顺时针, 艾琳直 ' 17, 亚历克西斯·华莱士18岁, 艾米莉亚·凯利18岁, Reva同行 ' 18, Ella De Falco, 18岁, 约瑟夫·普兰-弗兰克' 17 (T5), Laura Cowie-Haskell ' 18. (十大赌博正规老平台照片/ J. 亚当窗口)

Seven 十大赌博正规老平台 students have accepted 2018–19 grants in the prestigious Fulbright U.S. 学生资助计划.

由国务院赞助, the program is designed to promote mutual understanding and peace between the United States and other nations through educational and cultural exchange. Recipients pursue advanced studies, conduct research, and teach English and U.S. 当他们相遇时,国外的文化, 工作, 住在一起, 并向东道国人民学习, 分享日常经验.

Applicants are nominated by their college or university’s Fulbright evaluation committee, 也可能支持校友候选人. This year, Rochester’s candidate pool consisted of 32 applicants, of which 13 were semifinalists. One student, Oleaser Johnson ’18, declined the offer to teach English in South Korea. Additionally, three other semifinalists were named as alternates to their countries of application.


劳拉·考伊·哈斯克尔Laura Cowie-Haskell ' 18, 马什菲尔德大学主修人类学,辅修心理学, 麻萨诸塞州, will spend one year as an English Teaching Assistant in Kenya beginning in January.  除了她的教学职责,  她将探索草根女权主义, 生殖健康, 保护工作, 在踢“很多足球”的时候.” Laura has spent a great deal of her spare time teaching and tutoring students in the Rochester community and, 过去的两个夏天, has taught a group of young African-American girls at the Freedom School of Rochester. She’s the first Rochester winner for the Kenya English Teaching Assistantship program, 最近还被选入了美国大学荣誉学士联谊会.

艾拉DeFalcoElla De Falco, 18岁, a linguistics major with minors in American Sign Language and brain and cognitive sciences, 要去比利时做英语助教吗. Skaneatles的居民, 纽约, Ella became enamored with Belgium when she visited the country while living in the Netherlands as a Rotary Youth Exchange Scholar. She served as an English assistant at her Dutch high school and gained additional teaching experience as a 工作shop leader for several linguistics courses at Rochester. She has a love of the theater and plans to help her students gain confidence in spoken English through creating and performing classroom skits.

阿米莉亚·凯利艾米莉亚·凯利18岁, 在锡拉丘兹大学主修人类学和历史学, 纽约, will be heading to Malaysia in January to be an English Teaching Assistant for middle school children as well as coaching various afterschool activities. She studied abroad in Morocco and is completing a senior thesis on catcalling and dating culture in Morocco. She brings several semesters of experience tutoring resettled refugee children through the Partners in Learning Program in Carlson Library and has taught English and U.S. 她参加了家乡的难民项目. She hopes to pursue a law degree after finishing her Fulbright year abroad.

Reva同行Reva同行 ' 18, a molecular genetics major and social psychology minor from Roseville, 加州, is heading to South Korea to be an English Teaching Assistant for one year. She will 工作 in an elementary or secondary school and hopes to volunteer with the North Korean Defectors Education Program. Reva曾在印度帮助有特殊需要的学生, 为美国的小学生提供科学教育.S.他还教过空手道. 她在大三时被选为优等生优等生协会会员. She’s a Rochester Early Medical Scholar and will attend the 十大赌博正规老平台 School of Medicine as a medical student after her year abroad.

约瑟夫·普朗·弗兰克约瑟夫·普兰-弗兰克' 17 (T5), 她在锡拉丘兹大学主修计算机科学和语言学, 纽约, 将在老挝担任英语助教. He completed a single semester in the Take Five program and graduated last December. Linguistics offered him his first teaching opportunity when he served as a teaching assistant and 工作shop leader in the department. Joseph was an independent researcher with the KinderLab in the Department of Brain and Cognitive 科学s and a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. 在国外呆了一年之后, he plans to attend graduate school to study TESOL (teaching English as a second language).

亚历克西斯华莱士亚历克西斯·华莱士18岁, 他在德拉姆堡主修政治学和俄语双学位, 纽约, 你将在俄罗斯担任英语助教吗. She began studying Russian in the Spring 2015 semester to fulfill her humanities cluster, 发现了对俄语的迷恋, 文学, 和历史. 亚历克西斯对俄罗斯的外交政策非常感兴趣, inspiring her to seek a career promoting nuclear nonproliferation cooperation between the U.S. 和俄罗斯. She’s eager to try out a mixture of the Russian and American language instruction methods in the classroom, using a Russian emphasis on conversation and peer interaction while adding the writing practice stressed in American universities.

艾琳直艾琳直 ' 17 毕业于纽约沃尔科特大学,主修西班牙语和国际关系. She’ll spend a year as an English Teaching Assistant in Brazil starting next February and also will explore with Brazilian students the role U.S. 音乐 with hip-hop influences plays in social justice, racial issues in the U.S. 巴西,以及城市教育改革. 在十大赌博正规老平台时, she studied abroad in Peru and interned with the 纽约 State Division of Human Rights. She was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society her senior year and 工作ed as a City Year AmeriCorps member in Boston in 2017-18. She’s currently 工作ing in Boston for the Council on International Educational Exchange. 在她的富布赖特经历之后, she hopes to pursue a master’s degree in international education policy.

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