

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Simplification

FAFSA简化是指完成FAFSA的过程和确定学生联邦财政援助资格的各种变化, 从2024-2025学年开始. This webpage provides a general overview of those changes, and details on completing the FAFSA for both dependent and independent students.


As additional updates and resources become available, the 金融援助 Office will continue to communicate them to applicants and families. 请审阅这个 简报 for a quick reference 指南 on new terminology and changes relative to the old FAFSA. 我们鼓励所有申请者审查我们的 FA手册, 它包含了关于FAFSA简化以及十大赌博正规老平台学生经济援助过程的许多其他方面的信息.



和往年一样, 申请人在完成FAFSA的经历将根据他们是否被视为联邦经济援助目的的依赖或独立学生而有所不同. Dependent students will need to include parent information on the FAFSA. Independent students will need to include their own information, 以及他们的配偶, 如果适用的话.

请参阅教育部的 网站 以确定依赖项状态. If you feel you have unusual circumstances that would impact your dependency status, 更多信息见下文.


贡献者 are all persons whose information will be required on the FAFSA. 所有贡献者都必须同意在FAFSA中转让和使用他们的个人和联邦税务信息. 贡献者 may include: the applicant; the applicant’s spouse; the applicant’s biological or adoptive parent(s); and the applicant’s parent’s spouse, 如果再婚. If any contributor does 不 provide consent for the use of the information on the FAFSA, the FAFSA will be invalid and federal aid can不 be awarded.

所有 贡献者必须创建一个 联邦学生援助身份证 (FSA ID) in order to provide consent and e-sign the applicant’s FAFSA.

依赖的学生可以使用这个 图表 to determine which parent(s) will be a contributor and 必须 provide consent on the FAFSA.


Replacing the federal Expected Family Contribution (EFC), an applicant will now have a 学生资助指数(SAI) calculated. 类似于EFC, the SAI will be based on the applicant’s and other contributors’ income, 资产, 家庭规模, 以及其他人口统计信息.


FADDX流程有助于将捐款人的联邦税收和其他个人信息转移到FAFSA. 所有提交了U.S. 纳税申报单将需要提供同意,并使用FADDX流程导入其税务信息.


与往年不同, FAFSA将根据申请人在联邦纳税申报表上申报的受抚养人数自动回答申请人的家庭规模. 受供养学生的家庭人数将以其父母或父母声称的受养人为准. 独立学生, 家庭规模将根据他们的和, 如果适用的话, 配偶的家属.

如果受供养学生的父母或独立学生(及/或其配偶)供养其他受供养人, but were 不 claimed on that contributor’s federal taxes, they can be manually added to the 家庭规模 by the contributor.


以前, 申请人家庭中在校大学生的数量影响联邦EFC的计算. 家庭中大学生的数量将会增加 影响SAI计算. 根据这一更新,在2023-24年和2024-2025年都有多名在校大学生的家庭,他们的联邦援助资格可能会从一年变化到下一年.



Unusual circumstances are defined as changes in an applicant’s dependency status. 被认为是受抚养人,但无法在FAFSA上提供父母信息的申请人可以表明他们有特殊情况,无法完成FAFSA的信息.

Examples of unusual circumstances include the following:

  • 父母虐待或遗弃,父母无法找到或不应该联系.

下面的例子是 不寻常的情况:

  • The student is self-supporting and/or resides separately from the parents.
  • 这个学生和家长关系不好.
  • The parents do 不 claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
  • Parent’s refusal to contribute to the student’s educational expenses.

If you believe you have unusual circumstances, please reach out to your 辅导员 讨论你的处境.


如果你是一个独立的学生, 请查看下面的常见问题解答,这些问题可能会为您完成2024-2025年FAFSA时出现的问题提供一些有用的答案.

对于第一次FASFA申请, 谁不熟悉旧的形式, more information is available on our FAFSA简化 for First Years 简报.

对于在前几年提交过FAFSA的归国学生,可以在我们的 2023年秋季家长通讯.

  • 如果你的亲生父母/养父母已婚或有同居关系,并且他们共同提交了联邦税, 父母中只有一方会提供资助.
  • 如果你的亲生父母/养父母已婚或有同居关系,并且分别提交了联邦税, 父母双方都是贡献者.
  • If your biological/adoptive parents are divorced or separated, 在前一年为你提供超过50%经济支持的父母将是供款人.
  • 如果你的亲生父母或养父母离婚或分居,并且在过去的一年里,父母双方都为你提供了等额的经济支持, whichever parent has the greater income and 资产 will be the contributor.
    • 如果你的亲生父母/养父母再婚了,并且和他们的配偶分开报税, your parent and their spouse will both be contributors.

有关确定哪些家长将成为贡献者的有用指南,请参阅此 图表 来自教育部.

My family is familiar with the FAFSA from prior years. What changes to the filing process should we be aware of?
  • 贡献者 are a significant new aspect of the FAFSA, which may change which family members’ information is required on the FAFSA. See above for details on how to determine who your FAFSA contributors are.
  • As each contributor enters the FASFA for the first time, they will be directed to an onboarding video to overview the new FAFSA process.
  • 所有贡献者 必须 formally provide consent for the use of their personal and tax information on the FAFSA. If any contributor does 不 provide consent for the use of their information, FAFSA将不会被处理.
  • If the student applicant is completing their portion of the FAFSA first, they will be asked to enter their contributors’ information, 包括电子邮件地址. 投稿人将收到一封来自FAFSA的电子邮件邀请,邀请他们登录并完成他们的部分.
  • Instructions for reporting child support received by a contributor have changed. 往年, 学生父母收到的子女抚养费与其他报告的收入在同一基准年作为收入报告. 例如, the 2023-2024 FAFSA was based on 2021 tax information, so families reported the child support they received as untaxed income in 2021.
    • 从2024-2025年FAFSA开始, 子女抚养费将在最近完成的日历年度结束时作为一项资产报告. 例如, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will request 2022 tax and other income information, but families will report child support they received in either 2023 or 2024, 这取决于FAFSA何时完成. 子女抚养费将在SAI计算中作为资产计算,而不是收入.
  • Instructions for reporting the net worth of contributor-owned businesses have changed. 往年, 只有拥有至少100名全职员工的企业才需要资产信息. 从2024-2025年开始, 所有供款人拥有的企业的净值必须在FAFSA的资产部分报告.
  • 家庭农场, 哪个是家庭的主要住所, 必须 have their net worth reported in the owner’s asset section of the FAFSA. 在过去的几年里,只有非家庭农场才需要将净资产作为一项资产报告.
  • 家庭规模问题(以前称为家庭规模)的回答方式发生了变化. See above in the 一般信息 section for more details.

有关术语变化以及如何回答FAFSA问题的更多详细信息, 请认为这很有帮助 指南.

I am a parent contributor completing the FAFSA for my student applicant. The student is 不 present and has 不 completed their portion of the FAFSA. 我该如何继续?

家长可以在学生不在场的情况下完成FAFSA的很大一部分. 在这些情况下, the parent(s) will be asked to input all student personal information, as well as the financial information which is self-reported. 为学生报税, student consent will be required for the use of their tax information in the FAFSA, 因此需要完成FAFSA. 家长将同意使用他们自己的信息(不是学生申请人的),并输入他们所要求的信息, and complete their portion of the FAFSA with a review and signature using their FSA ID. 在以后的日子, 学生必须登录FAFSA, 提供他们的同意和签名, 并提交FAFSA的学生部分. FAFSA只有在学生同意和签名后才会完成和处理.


如果你是一个独立的学生, 请查看下面的常见问题解答,这些问题可能会为您完成2024-2025年FAFSA时出现的问题提供一些有用的答案.

我知道作为一个独立的学生,我是一个有贡献的人. Are there other contributors whose information will be required on the FAFSA?
  • If you are an independent student who is 不 married or in a domestic partnership, 你将是FAFSA的唯一捐款人.
  • If you are an independent student who is married or in a domestic partnership, both you and your spouse will be contributors on the FAFSA.
我对前几年的FAFSA很熟悉. 我应该注意什么变化?
  • 贡献者 are a significant new aspect of the FAFSA, which may change which family members’ information is required on the FAFSA. See above for details on how to determine who your FAFSA contributors are.
  • As each contributor enters the FASFA for the first time, they will be directed to an onboarding video to overview the new FAFSA process.
  • 所有贡献者 必须 formally provide consent for the use of their personal and tax information on the FAFSA. If any contributor does 不 provide consent for the use of their information, FAFSA将不会被处理.
  • Instructions for reporting child support received by a contributor have changed. 往年, 学生收到的子女抚养费与其他报告的收入在同一基准年作为收入报告. 例如, the 2023-2024 FAFSA was based on 2021 tax information, so families reported the child support they received as untaxed income in 2021.
    • 从2024-2025年FAFSA开始, 子女抚养费将在最近完成的日历年度结束时作为一项资产报告. 例如, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will request 2022 tax and other income information, but families will report child support they received in either 2023 or 2024, 这取决于FAFSA何时完成. 子女抚养费将在SAI计算中作为资产计算,而不是收入.
  • Instructions for reporting the net worth of contributor-owned businesses have changed. 往年, 只有拥有至少100名全职员工的企业才需要资产信息. 从2024-2025年开始, 所有供款人拥有的企业的净值必须在FAFSA的资产部分报告.
  • 家庭农场, 哪些是申请人的主要居住地, 必须 have their net worth reported in the asset section of the FAFSA. 在过去的几年里,只有非家庭农场才需要将净资产作为一项资产报告.
  • 家庭规模问题(以前称为家庭规模)的回答方式发生了变化. See above in the 一般信息 section for more details.
我是一个十大赌博正规老平台生. Will my federal loan eligibility be impacted by these changes?

No. Because graduate-level federal loans are 不 need-based, FAFSA的变化, 包括新的SAI配方, will 不 change your loan eligibility compared to prior years. 然而, changes to other criteria may impact your eligibility, including but 不 limited to: your registration status (e.g. 全职、半全职等等.); the amount of previously borrowed federal loan debt you have; and, 如果是联邦毕业生PLUS贷款, 满足信用要求.
